is it pracicle?
our idea is quite simple and with good use of effects we will be able to creat a scary atmosphere in Emmas house were we are filming it. We are also doing all the make up ourselves so we limit costs and allso we are using exsisting resources as our props so that we dont spend much money.
Is it an idea that works to the strengths of the group?
I found that i shared alot of my ideas and I also think that I was a key motivator behind our ideas. Becky then helped simplify these Ideas and she wrote them down on paper. Emma was the artist in the group and I told her the idea of the costume and she drew it exeptionally well. I think the idea works well as we agreed on everything when it came togeter and we all used our different skills to have hopefully made a good idea.
will it show off the skills you have learnt so far on the course?
Our opening contains over 50 different shots and should have many different effects that hopefully we can encorporate well in our film so that we can show off what we have learnt on the course.
Is it something you can reasonably shoot and edit in the time available?
we have decided on the time we have to film makeing sure we have left enough time to edit as i feel that the editing is crutial in makeing our film look scary. we will be able to film at any time as Emmas house is only a 5 minute walk from school and the editing studio is in the school so we will not waste anytime in the makeing.
Can you get access/ permission to shoot in the chosen location at the chosen times?
yes, Emmas parents said they are fine with us filming as long as we dont make to much of a mess. the good thing about Emmas house is that we are able to film at any time because it is so close to school. I think it is just a case of when we are all free.
Can you organise lighting to use in that location?
we dont want the opening to be light but we also dont want it to be to dark so you carn't see much. in Emmas house she has lights that only let out a bit of light so we are hopeing that that will work. if not then we can always chose some effects that make it look good.
Have you included dialogue? If so, will it work to shoot conversation in that location?
we have not got any dialogue as we want it to look as proffesional as possible and we feel that we dont have the best technology to use to make dialogue look good.
Do you have guaranteed high quality reliable actors to play the characters?
Both Becky an Emma do drama and they are close friends with the actors and they both live close to emma so they said they would be able to be in our film at any time.